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    Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) is the sixth-largest school district in the nation and the second-largest in the state of Florida. BCPS is Florida’s first fully accredited school system since 1962, serving more than 251,000 students and approximately 110,000 adult students in 239 schools, centers and technical colleges, and 87 charter schools.

    BCPS supports a diverse student population, representing 177 different countries and speaking 153 languages. 

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    澳洲幸运10幸运开奖-官方开奖结果-现场直播开奖-视频记录-2024官方查询结果168 remains committed to supporting the ongoing healing and recovery of students, faculty, and the entire community. The Resiliency Services serves all who seek individual, family and group mental health services. The three school-based locations are staffed with full-time licensed clinicians who provide trauma-informed counseling services. Please visit the Broward County Recovery Program for more information.


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